Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas, Merry Xmas, Merry Xmas,

As a non-Christian, the longer I live here, the more annoyed I become around Christmas. I didn’t used to have a problem wishing people Merry Christmas, but when I now realize what it means to them, I have a real hard time with it. When I utter those words, not only I’m approving and celebrating this nonsense, I’m agreeing with them of my demise as a non-Christian. According to them, I’ll be going to hell unless I accept him as my savior. The hell with his love for me!


bijan said...

Hey Foulla! Nice to hear from you. Thank you and happy new year to you too. I was going to leave you the same on your blog, but I was saddened by the news.

Chakameh Azimpour said...

Hello. To solve this problem I would try to find some more friends, from those who don't believe "YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN JESUS TO BE SAVED". Friends who likes X-Mas just because we can have some day off and have fun. Then you can walk around and say "hey..happy holidays..."

bijan said...

Hi Chakameh! Thanks for visiting. Happy Holidays, is more proper and politically correct too. We don't want to annoy others. :)