Sunday, February 18, 2007

Rulers and Leaders

You go first! No, you go first. Okay, I'll go first! Chicken!

One picture is worth thousand words, more pictures, well even more!

How about him? Was he a good leader? You don’t have to answer. Braveheart, 5 time Academy Award winning historical drama, released in 1995. produced and directed by Mel Gibson.

But, seriously here is a good resource to look up some rulers and leaders if you care: Rulers

A few interesting but forgotten rulers (well, maybe not quiet!) Just to give you an idea.

12 Byzantine rulers
Egyptian Rulers (Kings & Pharaohs)
Women in World History
List of Kings of Persia

Changed my mind, you can comment if you like. Actually, please do.


Anonymous said...

Changed your mind how?

Your posts are funny :)

Tigress said...

Funny pic (i mean the first one of course ;)

bijan said...

Naj: Against my better senses, I had included a paragraph and a picture of a prominent ruler and had made some naughty remarks. Given that, I figured most Iranians would find it unwise to comment. So, at first I mentioned you (the reader) doesn't have to leave any comments, but at the end I decided to erase the whole paragraph.
Tigress: Thank you. I take it you don't find Mel Gibson funny in a Halloween custom! Just kidding :)

bijan said...

Naj: Ps. I changed it because I realized they may not have the same sense of humor and I was reminded of Holland!

Naj said...

Good decision Bijan. I'm still laughing at your "intended" pun above!