Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Happiness is being content and having all “your needs” met.
Everyone’s needs are different.
My needs are as follows, but not necessarily in this order:
Being healthy to be active and enjoy my life.
Having a good job that I’m happy to do and make good money.
Having a great family and bunch of good friends.
Marrying my soul mate, my true love, and the love of my life.
Having two or more healthy children.
Being able to do good for the mankind.
Having hobbies to enjoy my spare time.
I don’t have a need for spirituality or faith in my life.I don’t believe in reincarnation or after life, so for me, this is it. I have a burning desire to know what else is out there, why, and where I came from, but I know that will never be answered to my satisfaction. I have resigned myself to that and I’m able to accept that and move on.
What makes you happy?


Mehrabaneman said...

Hi. Why did you go anonymous on me?
Ps: I got 2007 porsche to answere your question;)

Mehrabaneman said...

answer w/o e.

Mehrabaneman said...

I have been single and I have had significant others in my life. But I have realized that I am happier when I'm single. I am free, I look forward to all the adventures every morning, I meet new people, I travel, I grow, I go to dinner, attend social functions,etc...without considering anyone else's feelings. Life is never boring when I'm single. I am happier when I'm single.

bijan said...

Hi Mehrabeneman. I didn't go Anonymous. I don't know what happened. A day after I left my comments on your posts (old/new) all where changes to Anonymous. I thought you did something! Thanks for the typo reminder. My spelling is atrocious!
I totally know what you mean about begin single and happy. Whatever works for you. We had a poker game the other night, all the married guys where embarrassed my repeated call from their spouses asking when the game is over! We have a game once every few months from 6-12pm. They all know it, but we wonder what’s the constant nagging for? I have one daughter and nothing in the world is more precious and no other love can fulfill and match the experience. Unless you experience it for yourself no one can describe and explain that experience to anyone. I don’t want to generalize, but after a certain age no other experience can be more meaningful and rewarding than parenthood. But then again, that’s not for everyone.

bijan said...

Great choice! I love my Boxter and 700cc Kawasaki bike too :)