Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year Resolutions

No New Year resolutions here. I’m still working on last year's!


Mehrabaneman said...

That's a valid point:)

Anonymous said...

same here:)
even working on some of the last decade

bijan said...

Mehrabaneman, hope you had great time in NY and got back safely. I'm so envious of people like you who get to do whatever whenever. Like I’ve always wondered if I’ll ever camp out for the Rose Bowl here. I know I’m too finicky, so perhaps I’ll never do anything like that. But, it doesn’t stop me from wondering about it.

Foulla, you got me into this, so, now you have to listen to my music and tell me what you think.

Homeyra, I know what you mean, but I didn’t want to be “that” honest!