Sunday, March 11, 2007

Persian Fallacy n+1

Persian Fallacy #n+1
Don’t sit too close to the TV, you’ll go blind!

Result: I have tried this many times and for many long hours at times with or without adult supervision (I didn’t have to share that.) I have sat in front of a TV set or a computer monitor as close as few feet (36-50 centimeters) to several feet (3-5 meters range.) I have not found that it has affected me in anyway (obvious) over the years. The only noticeable change over the years is the growth of love handles, increase weight gain, and an affection to food specially poop corn and beer during sporting event, love for huge sums of ice cream during romantic or depressing movies or just over consumption of meals with little activities during the activity (programs or shows). It is also commonly observed that one would greatly get hooked on lazy man chair or in my case a comfortable couch with a number of hi-fi or TV remote controls or game controllers.

ADHD is very common with the male subjects and easily noticeable by frequent channel surfing and multi-tasking. Tivo and other recorders have helped with eventual completion and full view of many programs. This condition has been greatly masked, ignored and remedied with the introduction of Netflix rented or purchased DVD’s and the ability to rewind or restart at a certain screen chapter selection quickly. Some subjects have been observed to engage in many activities simultaneously. For example eating, drinking, answering or making phone calls, emailing, IM, blugging, or surfing the internet, listening to pod casts, playing MP3 files, surfing porn sites, gambling, or playing an online game and still functioning at an acceptable rate of accomplishment. Girl friends or significant others are thoroughly annoyed by these habits, but most have been able to work through their problems or engaging in a number of brown nosing and make up activities involving anything from chocolate, romantic dinners, weekend/short trips to exotic places, or even jewelry briberies.

No break up or divorce has been directly attributed to these activities, unless the subject was an AH to begin with or some have been known to lose their jobs for engaging in much of the same at work and not having a clue why they were let go to begin with.

Please feel free to share your own experiences with me.

These fallacies are not restricted just to Iranians, but I just like to take credit for them here first.
Most of these fallacies have been proved wrong by the author or professional stunt people under supervision of other adults in a controlled environment and under extreme considerations for safety of everyone involved and even the bystanders. You should not try these at home and I do not recommend these activities by non-professional stunt people. Be safe and would the force be with you.


zulhai said...

Cool artwork. How often do you go to the gym? I used to go, but I'm burned out on it at the moment.

bijan said...

zulhai: Thanks! Four years ago, I used to go the gym about 3 times a week and do a little bit of warm-ups and the swim hard/fast for 30-45 minutes. And I was in the best shape of my life. I could eat any thing and really had no diet. Apparently my metabolism has changed so much that doesn’t work any longer. Now I try to go every other day and really work out hard for around 2+ hours and have to watch my diet and portions too. I have to there is no if and but to it.

zulhai said...

The thing is, if you go to the gym for 2 hours a day, you can't do anything else. Ultimately, you get bored and quit going. The thing to do, is find something fun that makes you move. Between sitting at a desk all day and being tied down with kids the rest of the time, it is a constant challenge. Right now, I'm managing to walk 30 min a day, by the grace of Books On Tape, but it isn't enough.

bijan said...

zulhai: You are right again. On couple of the machines I can read a book that sort of makes it easier and the swimming I just enjoy it. I only do the gym 3 times a week. I know it's not easy to keep on doing it. I try though :)