Friday, October 26, 2007


XLIII. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."
by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

About Narcissism:

I picked up that line on this movie, Scoop, one of Woody Allen’s latest movies (the movie (hint: In a party, as he is talking to bunch of new people and he is exif not the last, but I don’t know that for sure and who cares!) with Scarlet Johansson:):);) See if you can pick up that line in plaining describing himself…)

And don’t get me started on her cause I’ll start to moan and groan! Now there is a woman, and I might add a very beautiful, sexy, and young woman after my heart (Not!)

A big lie!

Well ever since I broke up with Heidi, a have been seeing a lot of Scarlet, as much as my schedule and trips allows me. And, I have made it very clear to her to not to lose herself over me, because I’m not into serious relationships. I have my reasons, but that’s for me to know and you to find out;)

And, Scarlet, my dear love, if you happen to read this, please don’t get all upset and pick the phone and ask me to explain, because I know I have made myself very clear. Besides you’re too young for me and I’m not into starting a family all over again. So, sweetheart, I’m sorry to break your heart all over again (if you happen to read this on location), but you should have listened to me. Anyhow, no more about us, since this was mostly about Moi!

You wish!
"Aarezo bar javanan aeib neest", There is no shame to aiming high or you can’t fault young & playful wishes, or something like that!

Old Flame:

Military Attack on Iran - An email from a friend

email from

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT:I am sorry to send you this ominous message. And, I beg you to forward it to others.
A U.S. military attack on Iran is about to take place. The U.S. armed forces are waiting for President Bush's "Execute Command" order. Some reporters as well as former intelligence and military official are saying so.

Even though the majority of the American people are against it, a small but powerful lobby is pushing for it.

Please contact your political and community leaders and explain to them that a military attack on Iran will bring retaliation against Israel and U.S. personnel in the area and cause worldwide economic depression. Iran has the capability to do severe damage to U.S. allies in the region. The entire Middle East will be thrown into chaos and bloodshed for decades. Such action, now, would be madness.
There is still time for diplomacy. Let the U.N. and other negotiating groups do their work.

I will explain this issue on Twin Cities Public Television, Ch. 17 or 13, at 10:30 p.m. tonight.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods (& more!)

Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods & there is more to this blog than the title may suggest!

Is this really true? I like to challenge everyone to share their thoughts and beliefs on this subject. You don’t need to limit your comments to just these ten items. I’m even interested in the Oldwives’ tales as well! Are you into Organic Food? What does that mean? What really constitute organic?

Isn’t it, after all, all made out of similar Chemical Compounds? Is Caw shit fertilizer superior to other chemical fertilizers or are all pesticides that harmful? What do you think about companies like ADM, the super market to the world? What about genetically engineered foods? What is the tradeoff here?

Are you into recycling and saving the planet? I am, but my belief is that for anyone of like me, there is one who drives gas guzzlers and pullouts just enough to ruin my efforts. That’s okay too! I assume we cancel each other out and at the end it all balances itself. We can’t all be perfect! Just as there is one war monger amongst us, there is one who does Amnesty International and other peaceful efforts (i.e., Greenpeace organization) to make up for the damages cost for the other. I like what Bono is doing and I admire people like my friend Jay Shahidi who is involved as dedicates time and effort as much he can afford. When I grow up, I like to be just like them! I’m not too sure about Michael Moore though! Well, how about Al Gore?

Last but not least, solar energy and conservation!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Hearst Castle - First Mini Vacation In July

(Correction after a blogger comment!) + another link to H.C.

Neuschwanstein in Germany (a comment by a blogger pointed out my error?)

Hearst Castle - The Pool:

First Mini Vacation this (last) summer in July! Sorry! I’ve been busy! Better late than never! Too many exclamations! Well, I just let the pictures to speak for themselves ;) Hearst Castle in San Simian. A MUST SEE PLACE! (Oomret be fanahe ageh ino nabini!)

First Mini Vacation this (last) summer in July! Sorry! I’ve been busy! Better late than never! Too many exclamations! Well, I just let the pictures to speak for themselves ;)

It’s way back there! These are the binoculars you can use to see it way way back there!

The entry to the onsite store (souvenirs and all kind of neat stuff!)

The life size statutes are awesome. You’ve got to see the indoor/outdoor pool!

FYI: Program & Tour Information:

Hearst Castle

I really can not do this justice. Not to mention, we couldn’t get any tickets that day, on site. You MUST have reservations way in advance. I have been there before, but you never see enough! Just google it and read about it. It really is one of those WORLD MARVELS that you must see. I did take many pictures of the surrounding areas, then again you must see it for yourself to appreciate the magnificence of it.